Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Megan!

Today is HHH member Megan's birthday and we thought we'd dedicate this post to our friendship with her. Many wishes for a Happy Birthday and a fantastic year, Meg! We adore you!

Here are our individual messages:

A cheesy birthday acrostic for my dearest Megan:

Megan is a rare and beautiful soul,
Exuding warmth wherever she goes.
Gaining her friendship was like winning the gold,
A bond I will cherish and always hold.
Now smile and celebrate you’re one more year old!

♥ Nicole

Dearest Meg,

Happy birthday! While thinking over the past year or so at work, and especially when reflecting on how life at the CDC has been since Mere left with Gabe, I nearly always think about you and count myself extremely fortunate. Not only am I sincerely lucky to have a friend to attend faculty meetings with and chit-chat with in the mornings, but my fortune extends to being friends with you outside of work too! I love that we have so many of the same interests (I'd count food, Pride and Prejudice and homemade yogurt-making among the many!!) and I love that we get to see each other all the time at work. The only good thing about driving in at 6:50 in the morning is seeing your car parked in the usual spot...I know I can at least sneak in a quick conversation with one of my best friends before starting the day! Also, the recipes you've shared with me recently have been amahhzing. You are truly the best!

Love you!

While reading yesterday I saw this quote by Walt Whitman"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends," and you my dear, immediately came to mind. With your gentle (yet hilarious) spirit and kind (and sarcastic) ways you always cause me to re-evaluate and strive to be a better person.
Thank you for this beautiful thing we call friendship; all the advice, laughter and good conversation, the memories we made and met memories to come!
Love you,

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