Saturday, June 19, 2010

And the Answer Is

And the Answer is:
My Recycling Trash Can!

Can you tell I'm super excited about Recycling?!?

When we were living the Apartment Life one of my deepest chagrins was my inability to easily Recycle. Since making the switch to Homeowner I've been a Recycling Fool.

This Trash can sits outside on our porch and I Simply walk out with anything plastic, glass, or aluminum. Once full it gets set out on the curb on trash day and voila! I'm living the Green Life!

Now I just need to figure out to best Recycle my paper...I'll let you know when I get that all squared away. In the meantime....I just finished up the salad dressing so I'm off to Recycle the bottle and cap. Woo Woo!
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