Monday, June 28, 2010

Bye Bye Wastefullness

I've decided to be a little more pro-active in my efforts at Living the Green Life. Right now my focus is on using fewer wasteful products, such as paper napkins and paper towels. Once my supplies run out I am going to make a solid effort at not buying any more. I'm already using these two items less and less, I'm hoping that I won't miss them too much once they're gone.

Toward this effort I pulled out all my cloth napkins that were previously saved for "nice occasions" and "dinner parties." No more! Steve and I have been using out napkins at every meal this past week. No only are my cocktail napkins adorable (Thank you Eileen and Crate&Barrel), but they're far more durable than wimpy/ugly paper napkins. Paper napkins do squat compared to these babies, also let me reiterate the ugly part (also earth killing).

The ones behind are simply standard cloth dinner napkins - I've found that I prefer the white. They look messier when you are done but they are also way easier to clean and not ruin in the process.

I also picked up a few microfiber towels this past weekend for mere dollars at Ollie's (which is a whole other story. I had never been there before Saturday. Wowzers!)! They are living up to the hype so far - again I got them in white.

Lastly, Sondra's lovely sister-in-law makes pretty durable napkins which I am in the process of procuring. I'm certain Sondra or I will let you know when we get ours and how they hold up (Although I'm quite confident they will be amazing! I'm super excited to see what fabric Stacey picked out for me, something I could never do for myself).

Yay for cloth things.
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