Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring and it has fresh peaches in it." ~Thomas Walker

So, today I got to spend a lovely morning with Meredith and Gabe at a Summer Market. (more on this later, I assume, in a post by either one of us!)  As we were driving to the craft market, Mere told me that I had to remind her to give me a peach; turns out, one of her good friends grows peaches and Meredith had a couple last night.  They were exquisite, they were so fresh, and she saved one for me!

After our morning of shopping and coffee (and Gabe!) we pulled into Meredith's driveway and she gave me the peach! There it was, ripe, lovely and beautifully pink and yellow. I instantly smelled it, as they recommend you do, and it was the sweetest smell.  I said to Meredith "This smells exactly like summer." You know how sometimes you say things, or something happens, and you know with absolute certainty that you will reflect upon it at a later date? I instantly thought of how it feels in the depths of winter...when Christmas is over and spring is a long way away, and I think I will remember smelling that peach in her driveway at the height of summer after attending a craft market on Lake Erie. That memory will probably bring a little bit of summer to me as blizzards rage outside!

Driving home, I couldn't help but reflect on how lovely the peach was, and how fantastic it is that Meredith saved it for me.  It was a small gift, but then again, what on earth is better than a freshly-picked peach given to you by someone who knows you will enjoy it?

And so I had to take a picture of the one perfect peach sitting next to me in the car.  And I love that I have a friend who thinks of me when she eats a fresh-picked peach and then saves one for me.  If that's not a friendship made in heaven, what is?

Check out this lovely peach! Thanks for saving it for me, Meredith! It was heavenly!

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