Monday, July 12, 2010

Party it Up!

We had a cookout this past weekend and it was tons of fun!  In preparation we did tons of shopping for food, cooking food, and cleaning house.  I knew exactly what I wanted to make as far as food went, who I wanted to invite, what I wanted to do during our cookout; my only quandary was what to do as far as serving people their food. 

We did everything buffet style (on some MacGyvered saw-horse slash plywood "tables"), but I couldn't decide what to have people serve their food onto.  I know, I know, you're thinking "Plates, you dummy."  But what kind of plates?  Certainly not my china.  And my everyday plates, well I didn't want those outside slash broken.  Paper plates, and what fill a landfill with some completely useless paper products?  Pay money to buy something with the intent of throwing it out?  No, thank you.  Enter your local Wal-Mart.  (Again) I know, I know, you're thinking "Wal-Mart is the source of all evil."  And while I will concur that the big giant guys are quickly taking out the little guys, and I am completely all for buying local, hand-crafted, small-guy stuff when you can...I will also say that Wal-Mart has its uses.  For instance: clearance plastic (and dishwasher safe) plates, cups, and bowls.  Woo Hoo!  How wonderful to spend my money on something I can use for every party from now until they break.  Instead of constantly buying paper plates and plastic cups I put my money into something reusable (and far cuter)!  Here's to getting all the dining ware I need for the foreseeable future for the same price as buying everything in "throw away" materials!

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